How To Fix Drooping Calla Lily

Nothing ruins the beauty of calla lilies like unsightly drooping leaves and stems. However, drooping is a common issue that affects these showy flowers. With just a few simple steps, you can restore your calla lilies to their upright glory.

calla lily growing, calla lily drooping,calla lily plant

Key Features 

Scientific Names: Fritillaria meleagris

Common Names: Mondo Grass, Dwarf Lilyturf

Color: Blue-green leaves, small white flowers

Height: 6-12 inches

Spread: Slowly forms dense clumps up to 2 feet wide

What is Calla Lily

The Calla Lily is an ornamental plant native to East Asia. it thrives in shaded areas like under trees or bushes. From mid to late summer, clusters of tiny white flowers appear held on thin stalks above sword-shaped leaves. 

All plant parts are edible but have a mild celery or garlic-like flavor. It makes an excellent ground cover or container plant.

Benefits and Usage

Calla Lily spreads slowly to form a lush carpeting effect. Its deep root system requires little care once established. It is drought tolerant and thrives in poor or rocky soils. 

Toxicity is very low. Use as an ornamental, accent plant, or to add visual interest to shaded gardens, patios, under trees, or as a houseplant.

Maintenance is minimal—occasional watering is sufficient. Division every 3-5 years keeps clumps shapely. It adds year-round appeal and requires no fertilizer or pesticides. A great environmentally-friendly groundcover alternative.

Growth Habit

As for its growth habit, the Calla Lily plant is not a vine, shrub, or tree. Instead, it forms clumps of stem-like shoots that emerge from underground bulbs. These bulbs serve as storage organs and allow the plant to survive during dormant periods.

Why Do Calla Lilies Droop?


Lack of water is one of the primary causes of drooping. Calla lilies need consistently moist soil to remain upright.

    Fixing Underwatering

  • Check Soil Moisture: Feel the soil and water only when the top inch is dry. Water thoroughly until water drains out the bottom.

  • You can use a moisture meter to test the moisture level.

    Alternatively, you can do an arm test by touching the soil 1-2 inches to feel if it's dry, then water the plant.

    In the absence of rain, keep checking if the soil gets dry and make the soil moist by spraying water.


Soggy or oversaturated soil from overwatering can also cause drooping. The roots need good drainage and aeration.

    Fixing Overwatering

    Check Soil Moisture: If the soil is too wet, allow it to dry slightly between waterings. Check for rotted rhizomes and replace soggy soil.

Insufficient Sunlight

Not enough sun can lead to drooping. Calla lilies like partial shade but still need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day.

    Fixing Insufficient Sunlight

    Give Them Sun: Gradually move drooping plants to a sunnier spot if needed. Too much sun at once can cause further shock.

Nutrient Deficiency

If the soil lacks essential nutrients, it can negatively impact the plant's structure and cause drooping leaves and blooms.

    Fixing Nutrient Deficiency

    Use a balanced liquid flower fertilizer every 2 weeks during the growing season to replace nutrients.

Excessive Nutrients

Overdoing nutrients will produce abundant leaves and fewer flowers, leading to overcrowding and drooping.

    Fixing Excessive Nutrients

    Use a balanced fertilizer like 5-10-5 NPK to avoid excess nitrogen causing drooping.

Temperature Fluctuation

Sudden temperature changes above or below the 65-80°F range can equally stress plants and cause wilting.

    Fixing Temperature Fluctuation

    Avoid too hot or cold temperatures. Shade during the hottest parts of the day.

Pests or Disease

Pests and diseases can cause drooping in calla lilies by compromising the plant's health and structure.

    Affects of pests/diseases:

  • Fungal or bacterial rot in the rhizome/roots from soilborne pathogens weakens the plant.
  • Sucking insects like aphids and mites sap plant nutrients and vigor. Heavy infestations stress the plant.
  • Below ground issues like nematodes damage and impair the root system's ability to uptake water and nutrients.

    Fixing pest and disease problems:

  • Inspect plants regularly for signs of pests like webbing, spotting, or insects.
  • Look for rotting areas at the soil line or mushy brown roots indicating disease.
  • For mild issues, remove infected parts and apply neem oil or insecticidal soap.
  • If severe rot is present, remove all rotten rhizome parts and repot in fresh soil.
  • Drench potting mix with systemic fungicide or insecticide as directed.
  • Improve growing conditions to reduce pest/disease recurrence by ensuring good drainage, air circulation, andnot overcrowding plants.

Addressing the underlying issue early before extensive damage occurs is key to recovery. Proper identification and targeted treatment will help fix drooping from pests and diseases.

calla lily

Growing Calla Lilies


Calla lilies thrive in rich, moist, well-draining soil. A potting mix of 1⁄3 compost, 1⁄3 peat moss and 1⁄3 perlite or vermiculite works well.

Repot annually in spring into a container just 1-2 inches wider. Top-dress with compost and replace the top 1⁄3 of soil each time.


Temperature is key - callas need cool roots (55-65°F) and warm air (65-75°F). In zones colder than 8, grow as an annual by digging bulbs in fall and storing in a cool, dry place over winter.


Water weekly, keeping soil lightly moist. Too much water will rot bulbs. Check soil moisture with your finger - water when the top inch feels dry. Filtered or rain water is best to avoid mineral deposits.


Fertilize monthly in spring and summer with a balanced plant food.


Rotate plants annually to a fresh planting spot to deter diseases. Deadhead spent blooms to encourage reblooming.

How to Grow:

  1. Plant bulbs 4-6 inches deep in spring after all chance of frost.
  2. Water weekly and keep warm and moist until leaves appear.
  3. Fertilize as growth begins and place in a sunny spot with afternoon shade.
  4. Deadhead spent blooms for possible reblooming through summer.
  5. Dig and store bulbs indoors before frost in fall, replanting the next spring.


The calla lilies with green leaves and white blooms never look good when they are drooping.

In this article, we have given you all the important information that you need to know to avoid the drooping of calla lilies and also grow one in your garden if you don't have before.

With the right care, watering, fertilizing, and staking, your calla lilies should perk back up within a few weeks. We hope you like this article and find it helpful. We are happy to help and happy planting!


Q: Why are the leaves on my calla lilies turning yellow?

A:Yellowing leaves can indicate overwatering, nutrient deficiency, pests/disease, or temperature issues. Check soil moisture, improve drainage, fertilize, and inspect for pests.

Q: How often should I water my calla lilies?

A: Water when the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry, usually every 5-7 days in summer and 7-10 days in cooler months. Feel the soil before watering.

Q:My calla lilies won't stop drooping, what else can I do?

A:Try staking, improve lighting, check for root rot, repot in fresh soil, apply balanced fertilizer, and inspect carefully for pests not visible above soil. Be patient - recovery can take a few weeks.

Q: What size pot do calla lilies need?

A: Use a pot one size larger than the original container. Terra cotta or plastic pots with drainage holes work best. 10-12 inches is a good standard size.

Q: Can I bring my calla lilies inside for the winter?

A: Yes, bring potted callas indoors before frost. Place them in a sunny window and water sparingly over winter when the soil is dry.

Q:Do calla lilies like to be repotted often?

A: Repot every 2 years or when roots crowd the container. In spring when new growth emerges is the best time to divide and repot callas.

Q: How long do calla lilies bloom for?

A:Individual blooms typically last 2-3 weeks. With deadheading and proper care, callas may rebloom periodically through summer into early fall.

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